• English
  • Français

People and languages

Cambodia’s population is approximately 16 million, mostly concentrated in urban areas. The majority of the population is of Khmer origin, but there are also ethnic minorities, such as the Chams, Vietnamese and Chinese.

Khmer is the official language of Cambodia and is spoken by the majority of the population. However, English is increasingly used in urban and tourist areas, and it is often spoken by tourism professionals. French is also understood and spoken by part of the older population, due to the French colonial heritage.

In addition to Khmer, there are several minority languages ​​spoken in the country, including Cham, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Thai. However, most people speak more than one language and are therefore able to communicate with tourists in different languages.

The population of Cambodia is diverse, with a majority of Khmers and ethnic minorities who speak different languages. Khmer is the official language, but English is increasingly common, especially in tourist areas. Visitors can therefore expect easy communication with locals, especially in tourist towns.